How to Overcome Small and Large Groups as a Shy Writer
C. Hope Clark
Writers aren't always natural presenters, and the writing magic that happens in the silence of a study doesn't always transfer to the stage before an audience. In this tutorial, learn four tricks on handling a panicky moment on stage, learn how to prepare for appearances, understand how the audience can lessen your fears, and more. Veteran author and presenter C. Hope Clark gives you tools that enable your energy to be a productive and welcome speaker.
About the Instructor:
C. Hope Clark is a freelance writer, author of seventeen award-winning mysteries (and counting), and founder of Her website has been selected by Writer's Digest for its 101 Best Websites for Writers for over two decades, and her no-nonsense weekly newsletter reaches 25,000 readers eager for advice on finding income for their craft. She writes for Writer's Digest Magazine, Writer's Market, Writer's Digest University, The Guide to Literary Agents, SC Wildlife Magazine, Chapin Magazine, and more. She speaks at conferences, in online events, at retreats, book clubs, philanthropic gatherings, and libraries across the country. She lives in South Carolina on the banks of Lake Murray when she isn't researching new stories on the shore of Edisto Beach. /